(0:00) So the sun is in Scorpio. What lies and deceit and surprises will come to light today? (0:13) The full moon. She's in Taurus.(0:20)
Full moon, we destroy, uncreate, and release things that we're ready to let go of. (0:29) And in Taurus, that means we get to ground it into reality. Anybody else busy today?
Mercury has been retrograde and will finally go direct on Wednesday August 28th. Remember though it's not a switch, there are still some days on the other side as it gains traction again. What have you been reconsidering, redoing, reviewing this month while it was retrograde? The New Moon is just around the corner for planting new seeds. Reminder it's an illusion of how it looks in the sky and not an actual start and stop of planet direction. This page is just the base layout of each of the categories used. Everything should fall under one or more of these larger categories. For example meditation may be found under health, flow state and frequency, perhaps even resources with how to meditate. When searching out content, think umbrella terms. Abundance
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